Spring Rebirthing Breathwork Weekend

Spring Rebirthing Breathwork Weekend
April 25th - April 27th with Tony and Maureen Lo Mastro

Friday, April 25th from 6pm-9pm, Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th from 10am-6pm at The Philadelphia Rebirthing Center.

As the season of renewal begins, we invite you to join us for a transformative Spring Rebirthing Breathwork Weekend – a time to release, refresh, and renew.

This immersive weekend will guide you through the experience of Rebirthing Breathwork, helping you clear emotional blockages, elevate your energy, and step into spring with clarity and purpose. Through guided sessions, intention setting, and supportive group energy, you’ll experience deep healing and rejuvenation.


Join us to :

🌷 Make friends with resistance — and free up its energy for initiating something new.

🌷 Experience how Rebirthing Breathwork goes beyond physical release to integrate a shift in perception and a new way of being.

🌷 Understand how Conscious Connected Breathing uses the breath to guide you into your subconscious, break old patterns, and open you to new possibilities as you align with deeper parts of yourself.

🌷 Discover Conscious Connected Breathing (Rebirthing) as a means for connecting with your self-worth, reclaiming wholeness, and deepening your relationship with yourself.


We look forward to a dynamic weekend of Rebirthing Breathwork that will inspire, expand, renew and offer insight and clarity in your daily life.

INCLUDES: A group breathwork session on Friday evening and 2 paired Breathwork sessions.


Early bird: $295 - through April 1st

After April 1st - Regular price: $350

Venmo HERE to register for the Spring Rebirthing Weekend


The Philadelphia Rebirthing Breathwork Center

1027 69th Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19126


For more information and any questions contact:

Maureen at: 215-431-8838 / maureenmalone25@gmail.com

Tony at: 215-779-1254 / tonylomastro@gmail.com