What is Breathwork:

– Richie Bostock aka The Breath Guy.

Breathing techniques are tools for major transformation and healing. We each have the power to manipulate our breath for a desired outcome, whether we are trying to sleep, control a panic attack or simply feel a bit calmer.

Breathing may seem like the most solitary thing we do, but this is a trend being led by people. Creative practitioners are using breathwork in many new ways – from fitness and rehabilitation to relief from trauma and PTSD. And it’s a trend that reveals how so much of the medicine in wellness comes from the people-to-people connections, the community and community-building. As Sage Rader, founder of Breath Church puts it: ‘People who breathe together consciously over time begin to share a common bond that transcends words or rational explanation.'”

Benefits of Breathwork.

Benefits of Breathwork:


There are many benefits of Breathwork….

  • Releases toxins from the cells of the body: 70% of toxins are released through the breath itself, so when you breathe more you release more!

  • Reduces stress and increases energy, aliveness and sense of well-being

  • Allows old emotions, memories and past traumas to arise and release in a safe and gentle way

  • Accesses and transforms the source of dis-ease by understanding the underlying thoughts and beliefs systems that attracted the dis-ease

  • Unravels relationship/intimacy issues and supports one to embrace and heal old wounds of abandonment, loss and rejection

  • Helps one to attract new relationships based on who one is now

  • Increases flow, ease, joy, and pleasure in life and relationships

  • Accesses expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity about one’s path and life purpose

  • Supports the release of limiting thoughts, patterns and imprints from birth, childhood, and past lives

  • Enhances creativity and expression

  • Heals the wound of your imagined separation

  • Increases one’s experience of inner peace & surrender

  • Allows a feeling of being connected to, and caring for yourself, the earth, and all beings

  • Transcends the mind and emotions and supports the awakening to the truth of who you really are

  • Increased clarity, joy and vitality through releasing everyday stress and tension

  • Deep relaxation and calm, nervous system regulation

  • Gentle yet powerful release of trauma and suppressed emotions that compromise health and hold us back

  • Understanding and releasing early childhood and birth imprints, patterns and memories

  • Deep insights and intuitive guidance from the inside

  • Connecting with the deepest parts of ourselves and the Divine - the Oneness experience

  • Moving through energetic and physical blocks 

  • Liberating the breathing mechanism from shallow, inhibited breathing pattern

  • Super-oxygenating the body and alkalizing the blood