Mim & Dan Married 2/19/25

Maureen Juiiana Tony

Maryann her 85th year, you go girl

Tony, what to say?
Maureen, Tony, Ambrose at Danielle and Floyd's wedding.
Rhonda at Center City Breathe

David 50 B Day Liz Maureen David Nancy

Dani & Ambrose 6/24

Alyse Susam Maureen 6/24

Rachael, Tony Maureen Barry

Tom the plumber & Grandson Malachi

Hay Eddie

Pat Brown

Jay Arseneault

Winnie & Drew in Greece

Pete & Phil

Origami by Yula Mimmie San

so bright under the silvery moon. rings of fishes-Art by Yulan Mimmy San

Nancy & Phil, old time pals.

Sondra & Marcus in Bali

Simone and Len at Simone's art show.

Tommy, a feral taken care by Dan Ravazio and Yulan Mimmy San.

Barry in Crestone

138 & His Dad, Morton, New Years 1025
Sondra Ray 2/25

Sushi for all

Grand kids Serry & Matt. Happy at the beach

Granddaughter Serri


Kerry Henwood

Tony & Dan & Dan's painting, Mushrooms Magic



Hannah and happiness

Paula 2023


My granddaughter Cianna & Dom in Thailand

Dinner at Arie"s

Angie & Victoria

James & Pat

Jess & Angie

My son and Grandson at the Superbowl

Corinne & Divine Mother

Ambrose & Tom

Daryl giving

Ari & Lion

Tracy & Phil


Drew Wolf & his brother Joe

Friends, Ed & Laura

Min self portrait

Danielle & Floyd

Art by Sim Spicer, Quan Yin

Joe Tight & Daughter Bella

Maureen, art by Alicia Reyes

Art by Yulan Mimmy San

Barry Mable in orange, orange

Tony Christa Black and Maureen in Ashville NC

Tama Dickerson at his home in Paint Rock North Carolina

Tom, Teresa and Brooke

Steven & Mark

Mom being the Italian cook.

Zeema & Isis

Paula and her daughter Alison

Anthony & Mair

Tony, Maureen and Dough at a Oneness event.

Tony, Diana and her daughter, Lauren. We were in Madrid, Teaching a Loving Relationships training.

Maureen & Tony

Ron Fuchs & Tony in Madrid

Tony, Sinead & Lisi in London

Maureen, Tony, Sinead, lunch in London.

Mis baptizing her son.

Herb, enjoying the sun.

Leonard and his son Raj

Gita love from Ireland.

Sophia and Gita, young Love.

Barry & Nilsa

Andrea & Mike at play.

Sidiqua doing the housewife thing.

Anna Brooke

Tom and Signa, an after wedding ride.

Ken Russell and Lisi. Celebrate each other.

Mika, a Rebirthing life saver.

Jim Morningstar

Lori and Sati, enjoying.

Tony and Crystal, she is one of the stronger woman of the world.

Prayerful decoration.

Mantal in the meeting room.

Maureen at Yoga graduation

Sophia and her father Ed.

Mary Nara

Matt & Alyse

Mike & Victoria

Julian, Bella and er mom, Roberta.

Anthony & Mair

Maureen & Kelly

Sandra and Tony in Atlanta.

Ju;iana with Cezzane

Susie and Charlie, enjoying the Grand Cannon.

Great dress, Alyse. Wedding

Angela & David

Liz, Sharon & Herb

Taka & David

Patrick Collard

Teresa & Tom, they met after being arrested as activist event in the paddy wagon.

Tama & Ananda

Rhona Harrington with one of her art pieces.

Kieth, a friend in Ireland

Maureen &b Sharon

Herb Cohen

Dan Brule at the Center.

Charlie in Peru

Rebirthing class, students engaged in a process.

Group Rebirthing.

AlysonIzzy &

Tom at a Ari Barkan event.


Allison and Tama.

Wonderful Allan Fitz

Joanne with the animals she loves.

Sati with her family, Yohan and Bodi.

Viola and Michael in Cyprus.

Alyse with her first.

Teresa with young Brpple

Rob and his Mom

Angela, Taka with his husband David and Kevin, on a rooftop party on the Hudson.

Signa on the cover, she knows how.

Thank you Maureen.

Brooke & Sidiqua

Maureen and Lori. Wedding day for Lori and Michael.

Cover girl, Nancy,

Stavros & Nancy

Liz & Drew

Maureen with Laura.

Christa and Tony.

Lydia and friend, Lydia knows how to show us exuberant fun.

Maureen enjoying Positano's restaurant.

Rhonda Levand, facilitating a group rebirth.

Winnie & Drew

Bobbi & Winnie

Christa and Jessica, at Simone and Len's house warming.

Mon, Teresa with daughter Brooke.

Lester & Tony

Simone Spicer

Simone doing a art piece.

Len & Maureen

Ananda & Maureen

Tony & Nicole

Maureen and Nan kissing Matt on his wedding day.

Simone & Len

Mary in Simone's studio.

Benicio and his mother. A reunion after many years.

Joe, Maureen Christa, Sylvia and Cat.

Tama with wife and daughters.

Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray.

Ed Zadlo with hes family.

Angela and Pann.

Christine Zalinsky

Ari, Mary and Tom in Coney Island

Sondra Ray

Mister Bradford

Water Rebirthing, Pilar& Maureen

We Behold you with eyes of love, Dear Winnie.


Simone and Winnie.

On my birthday with Jason & Maureen.


Eclipse, Brooke with mom and Tom

Sula, enjoying the eclipse..

Stavros and son Dimitri.

Hanna and her sister, Winnie.

Tony & Christe in Mexico

The gang at a after seminar dinner.

Michelle Lee

Drew Wolf with his family, mom Maryann sister Tara and brother Joe,

The sun room.

Al with daughter Jill and son Ari.

Nan, Liz & Maureen.

Lipstick girls.

Tony & Maureen

Winnie & Christine.

Michelle, Whinnie and Paula

Jason, Cat, Lydia and Ari

Tony, Winnie, Paula aND MICHELLE

Looks good on you,

Christine and Paula at Center City Breathe

Whinnie and Lydia


Pat Brown Sacrament teacher.

Ambrose blowing out his birthday candels with his father.

Paula and Howard.

Friends Bobbi & Simone.

Shannon as the Divine Mother


Ambrose and Winnie.

Herb Cohen at work Executive radio

Ari with his Dad , Al.

Liz, Maureen, Mair & Nancy

Steve Pauzano & Ben.


Ari and Rhonda Levand.

Kerry's altar.

Dan Brule with Elve

Peace Arnold

Drew and Winnie.

Rhonda and Jeff

Jessica Golden

Tony & Simone

Jason with his sister

Rebirthing Weekend

Maureen at a Yoga event

Matt Lo Mastro

Mark, Michelle and Emma.

Christine & Sennin


Ken Mann
Tony & Sue

Phil Stevenson and his loves.

A Rebirthing Weekend 1980.

Maureen & Nan at the 40th anniversary

Sharon, Ken,

Sennin and Angie, Rhode Island, girls.

Michelle and Brooke
Rebecca, Walter and Steve at the 40th anniversary of the Rebirthing Center.

Mary and Maureen

Cat, Alysia & Paula

Liz, Dot & Nan

Cat, Maureen, Lydia and Alycia

Elanore & Phil

Evylyn & Joe Wanner

Pool rebirthing at Paula's condo

Cat being with Rob

Paula with her Mom & Dad

Maureen with Phil at his pet grooming shop

Rosie, Kia, Spencer and Rebecca.

Amma & Ram Das

Winnie and her sister Hanna

Lori and Michael, wedding walk.

Stavro & friend

Daniel and Ambrose Choir.

Lorraine and Bob, Congratulations

Tony in Florida

Tara Singh & Mark Sullivan

Rhonda, Sondra and Diane.

Maureen, mom and Michael.

Phil Stevenson.

Maureen and her sister Eileen

Patrick Collard's grandson

Ari & Nilsa

Art work from Simone Spicer, Plastic Galactic.

Gene Dillman, Happy Saint Pat's

Tony and Maureen, breathwork on the floor.

Maureen doing bodywork at a Collard event.

Sondra at the door of her Master.

Young family

Sophia with the dog she prayed for Gita.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank you for your presence, love and wise teachings.

The house when we first bought it in 1990

A happy group of rebirthers after completing our 9 month breathwork training.

Tony & Maureen, wedding April 1999

Cold water rebirthing

Drew, enjoying a water breathe

Morning glories out in front of the Center

Patrick Collard- Long time friend and extraordinary teacher of The Collard Method of Bodywork

Meghan, Mary and Patrick

Eric, Joe ,Bill , Nick enjoying a fun moment at the Rebirthing Center

Ken Mann

Bobbi, yoga

Joe Tighe

Men's group in Florida

Tony and Sabina

Sean Dobson - hanging out at the Center

Sondra Ray - The "Mother of Rebirthing Breathwork" relaxing after teaching a weekend at The Rebirthing Center

Mallie and Bob-Early teachers of The Loving Relationships Training and Rebirthing

Georgia Hovey- Long time teacher, friend and trainer extraordinare of Rebirthing Breathwork

Kerry Henwood - wonderful Shaman from Australia and longtime friend.

Patrick, Ash Money (the goat ) and Jessica

Wintery view of our home and Center

The illustrious Ken Man

Ed with Gita

a sneak pic of Sinead during a dyad process

Elsworth Lakota Chief

Patty, Nan, Cianna and Maureen

Fred the diviner

Lisa and Matt

Maureen & Tony at an award dinner for David

Sylvia, long time friend and Italian beauty

Sylvia, Mim and Kim, at a party at the Center.

Rob and Mary, so nice.

Alexi Zentner, wonderful former chiropracter and breathworker, with great sense of humor and deep wisdom as a human being

Viola from Venezuela

Layla, from Venezuela

Our beloved Patrick Collard

Sharon and Stephanie.

Chit chat in the kitchen during a seminar break

Jim Morningstar

Phil Laut- author of "Rebirthing, The Science of Enjoying All of Your LIfe" with Jim Laut

Baba and Saint Anthony

Mom and her girls.

Patrick, Janelle, Maureen and Tony at Patrick' and Janelle's home in in Las Vegas

Maureen at the Grand Canyon

Sabina and Charles

Drew Wolf

Paul Stratton- Chiropractor and friend of The Rebirthing Center - Did regular sessions at the Center for years.

Patrick Collard, was a teacher at Center for 25 years and a Community favorite. Very special man and teacher.


Kerry Henwood, Shaman

Dan and Matt


Mary Schofield


Sondra Ray and Rhonda

Sula and Sondra Ray

Debbi & Diana - Rebirther Trainers

Eileen and Maureen with thier Mom

Kathy D'Marco


Tony marring himself

Tony and Maureen,,posing for a thank you note for the gift of 18 monogramed towels with the word breathe from Pam

Ken and Donna sing together, they met through the folk community.

Patsy Brennon, Scientist and teacher.



Kathy and Bridget at a water rebirthing weekend.

Liz & Paula

David & Tara

Yulan Mimy San

Nan & Steve

Harakan Baba

A gift from Kerry Henwood


Ashes and Snow, over the mantel in the meeting room

Kitchen pics


Dear Grace, owner of The Blueberry Mountain Inn.

Patrick at the security desk.The sign said no pictures allow. So I took this

Nancy & Patrick

Mary and her friend Micalla


Nancy & Maureen

Ram Das

Sondra & Diana

Herb and Tony

Maya and Maureen teaching a Loving Relationships training in Del Ray Florida.

Ken and Lori

Dayna & Sinead

Stavros & Lori

Dayna, Sondra and Maile at the Center.

Sinead & Sula

Diana at the Center

Nicke Henry


Sally at a Loving Relationships Training.

Jerry, my brother & Diana

Diana and Malie love.

Julian Canuso

Maureen & Kerry

Maureen & Tony at their granddaughter Cianna first Communion.

Maureen and Patrick and Danny putting up with us.

Sondra at leisure.

Mothers Day in NYC. Blood family

Sondra & Marcus in India.

Dayna, trecking.

Matthew's first car.

Muchael Buck & Maureen


Lori & Benicio at a 9 month training at the Center.

Maureen's altar in NYC

Tony Hariharinanda & Maureen

Barbi & Baba

Brookee & Mag

A opainting by Marcus Ray

David & Lori in Equator

David Newman and Baghavandas

Sylvia & David in Equator

David &b Michelle in Equador.
Tom,, Teresa and Brooke

Sondra's India group.

Maureen's day, Michael

My brother Jerry.

Kathy and Bridget, new friends at a water weekend.

Joanne Siiebert, a strong woman.

Kathy in front of kitchen pics.

Maureen, Mike Bobbi and Alan& Jode

Patrick Collard, Night School, one of his best offerings.

Gene Lindsay. So nice

Liz & Tony at a LRT.

Sondra &b Marcus

Mark Sullivan and Tony

Paul, Patrick & Sharron

Leonard & Elve

Maureen and Sigalite.

Sinead in the Ganges

Brooke & Meg

Tony, Liz & Patrick


Mike, Chrystal and Nick the Writer.


Simone and Len,, Marriage foto.

Maureen and Sadiqua, big chat onthe steps.

Sinead being domestic.

Sylvia and Johanna, long time friends.

Herb and Tom at a Collard 10 day.

Tom & Alyse

Sylvia & David

Maureen & Trudy

Trudy & Tony

A art piece from Simone Spices

Emily Rebirthing her sister Mary during a Rebirthing weekend.

Angela with her Mom and Brother

Rhona Harrington, Her art work in stunning.

Sinead's parents and us in Dublin

Hotel Central in Dublin

Sinead and Tony in Equador.

Maureen& Patsy in Ireland

Sinead & David in Ireland

Uma & Maureen in Portugal

Maureen Shakti and Tony inFatima, Portugal

Amma enjoying the water

Sabina and Charles in Equador.

Tony in Ireland

Shiva Das, Maureen and Tony Teach a LRT at Yoga on Main.

Tony & Rob Ziegler.

Tony & Elvis in Nashville

Eileen & Maureen, sisters

Nancy Nagel

Relaxing among the foto show.

My mom and Dad, I'm around 5 at Atlantic City

Beautiful Baba.

Emily, Rebirthing her sister Mary, during a wekend.

Alycia and

Marcus Ray, art

Maureen's altar in NYC

Tony & Maureen 1990

Debbi & Tony

David at the Opera

Carl Huffman Kailash

Tom and Teresa being arrested. The met in the paddy wagon and are still together

A art piece I made

Maureen & fish


Diana Roberts

Hi Kala.

Raquell Lopez a beauty. soft love.

Go for it Raquell

Sinead being Dorthy, of OZ.at the marriage ceremony at the end of the 9 Month.

Hi Ken, Ken is the supporter of the conception of the Rebirthing Center, 42 years ago.

Joe Tight and his daughter Bella.

Cold water weekend.


Cold water, rebirthing.

Liz with her sisters Elaine and Jane.

Tony with his sons Anthony David Matthew and Daniel

Tony and Maureen at the Lincoln memorial.

Sylvia, with her daughter, Nicole, husband Nigel and Jet.
Our grandchildren, Serraphina and Matthew, 5years and seven.

Tony 5 years old with mom & Dad in Atlantic city.