Dissolve Your Core Wound
with Alyse Bacine

Saturday, March 29th from 10-6pm at the Philadelphia Rebirthing Center

What you’ll experience:

  • Identify your specific core wound and how it’s showing up across every area of your life

  • Learn Alyse’s simple 5 step Inner Child Healing Process to go from triggered to confident within minutes

  • Receive individualized support to release the emotions standing between you and creating what you desire

  • A powerful group breathwork session to access your subconscious mind to heal and reconcile the unacknowledged wounded part of you so you can finally be free to create the freedom, abundance and love that you desire

    This immersive day combines expert teaching, experiential work, and deep healing to create lasting change. You'll leave understanding exactly what's been holding you back and how to transform it permanently.


Early bird: $150 - through March 18th

After March 15th - Regular price: $175

Venmo HERE to register for Dissolve Your Core Wound


The Philadelphia Rebirthing Breathwork Center

1027 69th Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19126


For more information and any questions contact:

Maureen at: 215-431-8838 / maureenmalone25@gmail.com

Tony at: 215-779-1254 / tonylomastro@gmail.com