Cold Water Rebirthing Weekend
Immersing yourself in water is a powerful way to feel yourself in your body and experience the natural aliveness, vitality and the potential that lies within you.
We invite you to join us for a weekend that is fun, rejuvenating, educational and stimulating. We have always had a great time at these weekends, particularly in the summer when being in a pool is refreshing.
Emotional anesthesia or anesthesia stored in the cells of our bodies can keep us at a certain level of numbness until it is released. Cold water breathwork helps to accelerate that process. Immersion into cold water is also a great way to build immune system strength. Cold water rebirthing is accomplished by using the rebirthing breath (conscious connected breathing) in water that is cooler than body temperature..in this case...a pool. With the energy and aliveness that has replaced the anesthesia in our bodies, we have a new sense of awakeness, vitality and emotional depth.
Early Bird Tuition: $250 IF PAID BY TBD
Tuition: $295
Reviewers: $195
Deposit of $100 required to hold your space.
*Please note: a questionnaire will be sent upon registration and a conversation with Maureen or Tony.
Dates: TBD
For more information and any questions contact:
Maureen at: 215-431-8838 / maureenmalone@earthlink.net
Tony at: 215-779-1254 / tonylomastro@gmail.com