The source of our daily issues are locked in the unconscious. Rebirthing Breathwork, or Conscious Connected Breathing, is a powerful, safe, and gentle way to bring them to surface awareness for health and clearing.
Developed in the early 70’s it has been practiced by many thousands of people throughout the world.
Rebirthing Breathwork is a process that supports individuals in upgrading the quality of their thinking. This stress- relieving breathing includes the ability to experience greater inner peace as well as feeling connected to, and caring for all of humanity.
It is a profound tool that resonates at such a deep level that blame becomes obsolete, forgiveness becomes natural, and taking responsibility for one's life becomes the option.
Listen to Tony and Maureen speak about
Rebirthing Breathwork.
Tony Lo Mastro & Maureen Malone-Lo Mastro are sources and expressions of Rebirthing in Philadelphia and New York City. We are grateful to be pioneers in this work and have our homes as centers for the focus and expansion of the work.
Rebirthing is learning a conscious relationship with your breath and the power of the breath as a function of the body. Circular or conscious connected breathing is normal for the body and this mechanism gets suppressed with the emotions and events of the past, possibly for some starting at conception.
Rebirthing (which is circular breathing for approximately an hour) relieves the negative charge in cell memory. Rebirthing sessions with a Practitoner aim to facilitate positive change through working with the breath and taking responsibility for thoughts, feelings and actions. The sessions will help to identify birth trauma, family patterns, inherited attitudes and specific negative thoughts. Rebirthers aim to support clients in using the breath to ground themselves safely in their body during emotional, physical releases and spiritual insights. This encourages the clients' use of Rebirthing methods independently.
Rebirthing connects us to ourselves and gives an experience of present time. We can observe and make conscious choices from a clearer perspective and feeling of well being.
Rebirthing feels good; rebirthing threatens your suffering. When people come to rebirthers, something inside of them is ready to heal and let their burden down in reference to long standing issues from the past. An added benefit of conscious connected breathing is that the increased oxygenation contributes to the release of stress and an experience of more health and vitality.
The Philadelphia Rebirthing Center has a symbiotic relationship with the New York Rebirthing Center; both offer seminars, trainings, community and available rebirthers in your area. There are many rebirthers nationally and internationally. (You will find some listings for them linked to this web site.) We invite you to explore the information and articles on this site. If your curiosity is piqued or your body says yes, consider giving yourself the experience of a session.
Private Sessions
We encourage taking a private session first with a breath coach…
Attend An Event
We regularly host weekend trainings where you can experience rebirthing as a informational and learning experience over a weekend.